Sunday, August 25, 2024

THE LAST FIVE YEARS/LOS ÚLTIMOS CINCO AÑOS - Phoenix College - November 14-November 24, 2024

An emotionally powerful and intimate musical about two New Yorkers in their twenties who fall in and out of love over the course of five years, the show's unconventional structure consists of Cathy, the woman, telling her story backwards while Jamie, the man, tells his story chronologically; the two characters only meet once, at their wedding in the middle of the show.

Un musical íntimo y emocionalmente poderoso sobre dos neoyorquinos de veintitantos años que se enamoran y desenamoran a lo largo de cinco años. La estructura poco convencional del espectáculo consiste en Cathy, la mujer, contando su historia al revés mientras Jamie, el hombre, cuenta su historia cronológicamente; Los dos personajes sólo se encuentran una vez, en su boda en medio del espectáculo.

All performances on the weekend of Thursday, November 14 - Sunday, November 17 will be in English. All performances on the weekend of Thursday, November 21 - Sunday, November 24 will be in Spanish. Please keep this in mind when selecting the dates for your ticket purchase.

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