Friday, August 23, 2024

Phoenix College's 2024/2025 Season!

September 26-29, 2024
by Ellen McLaughlin

This fresh, fast-paced comedy, inspired by Aristophanes' play. The ancient Greek text has been modernized by Ellen McLaughlin and follows Lysistrata, an Athenian who calls for the women of Greece to help end the Peloponnesian War. She proposes a radical plan: All Greek women must refuse to engage in sex until the men see reason, lay down their arms, and come home to lie down with their wives in peace. The women agree to make the sacrifice and all hell breaks loose as men wander the country in an agony of unsatisfied lust. Will Lysistrata and her crew accomplish what the politicians could not?

The Last Five Years/Los Últimos Cinco Años
November 14-November 24, 2024

An emotionally powerful and intimate musical about two New Yorkers in their twenties who fall in and out of love over the course of five years, the show's unconventional structure consists of Cathy, the woman, telling her story backwards while Jamie, the man, tells his story chronologically; the two characters only meet once, at their wedding in the middle of the show.

Un musical íntimo y emocionalmente poderoso sobre dos neoyorquinos de veintitantos años que se enamoran y desenamoran a lo largo de cinco años. La estructura poco convencional del espectáculo consiste en Cathy, la mujer, contando su historia al revés mientras Jamie, el hombre, cuenta su historia cronológicamente; Los dos personajes sólo se encuentran una vez, en su boda en medio del espectáculo.

All performances on the weekend of Thursday, November 14 - Sunday, November 17 will be in English. All performances on the weekend of Thursday, November 21 - Sunday, November 24 will be in Spanish. Please keep this in mind when selecting the dates for your ticket purchase.

All Work and No Play
February 13-16, 2025

A workshop series of new 10 minute plays in staged reading format 

Playwrights often know what they are trying to communicate, but it is how they tell a story that measures the impact of their intent. A staged reading is a powerful tool to refine the writer’s vision while shaping and polishing a dramatic work with a creative team. Staged readings offer actors the chance to practice some basic skills, and playwrights can use these interactions and observations to reshape characters, scenes, stage directions, and get feedback in a pre-production environment. Partnering with our neighbors at Metropolitan Arts Institute, the Phoenix College Theatre Program invited playwrights to submit 10 minute plays that they are ready to hear out loud. Rather than fully staged productions of these works, we have invited actors from around the valley to workshop these staged readings with the playwrights developing the scripts throughout the rehearsal process. Come be a part of the pilot staged reading series…..ALL WORK AND NO PLAY.

April 24-27, 2025

At the dawn of humanity, one tribe of cave-people survives the many trials of prehistoric life under the wise leadership of Jemilla, The Peacemaker. Jemilla taught her people to express themselves, rather than bashing each others' heads with rocks and eating each others' babies. But one member of the tribe doesn't seem to fit in: Zazzalil. She's always trying to invent things to make life easier… for herself. While out hatching her latest scheme, Zazzalil stumbles upon the most important discovery in history. One that will pit her tribe against wooly mammoths, saber-toothed tigers, and change the world forever. She'll travel from omega to alpha, and become… the Firebringer!

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