Sunday, August 25, 2024

ALL WORK AND NO PLAY - Phoenix College - February 13-16, 2025

A workshop series of new 10 minute plays in staged reading format 

Playwrights often know what they are trying to communicate, but it is how they tell a story that measures the impact of their intent. A staged reading is a powerful tool to refine the writer’s vision while shaping and polishing a dramatic work with a creative team. Staged readings offer actors the chance to practice some basic skills, and playwrights can use these interactions and observations to reshape characters, scenes, stage directions, and get feedback in a pre-production environment. Partnering with our neighbors at Metropolitan Arts Institute, the Phoenix College Theatre Program invited playwrights to submit 10 minute plays that they are ready to hear out loud. Rather than fully staged productions of these works, we have invited actors from around the valley to workshop these staged readings with the playwrights developing the scripts throughout the rehearsal process. Come be a part of the pilot staged reading series…..ALL WORK AND NO PLAY.

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