Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Paradise Valley Community College's 2024/2025 Season!

Drop Dead! 
By Billy Van Zandt and Jane Milmore
Directed by Andrea Robertson

CPA- October 18, 19, 25, 26 @ 7:00pm  20 & 27 @ 2:00pm 

A non-stop physical comedy that turns the world of theater on its head! A cast of has-been actors plan to revive their careers in “Drop Dead!,” a murder mystery directed by “Wonder Child of the Broadway Stage” Victor Le Pewe. At the dress rehearsal the set falls apart around them, props break, and the producer and an actor are murdered. But the show must go on! And so it does, but at the opening night performance, the murders continue and the play goes incredibly wrong. The remaining thespians must save the show and their careers, solve the mystery, and somehow survive until the curtain calls.

Advanced/Online Price: $16 adult; $12 senior/staff/military; $8 students/child
At the Door Price: $2 added to all ticket prices

Advanced Directing Student Shows

 Each year in our Studio Theatre we have opportunities for our students to direct One Act plays.  There is always a wonderful variety and even some original works written by the directors.  Titles will be announced by September.  This year's shows will have three student directed/student written shows!

Studio Theatre : November 14, 15, 16 @ 7:00pm and November 17 @ 2:00pm
Advanced/Online Price: $8 adult; $6 senior/staff/military; $5 students/child
At the Door Price: $2 added to all ticket prices

Lady Windemere's Fan 
by Oscar Wilde   
Directed by Gary Zaro

CPA – April 4, 5, 11, 12 @ 7:00pm and 6, 13 @ 2:00pm

Mistaken identity, willful misdirection, romantic suspicions and scandalous secrets comprise the comedic capers of “Lady Windermere's Fan.” The first of Oscar Wilde’s social comedies, “Lady Windermere’s Fan” combines shrewd satire of Victorian high society with amusing and intelligent dialogue that distinguishes Wilde as the self-proclaimed ''lord of language.''  First presented in London in 1892, the comedy pokes fun of the social expectations of Victorian England's upper crust and pushes the envelope of “proper” social norms.

Advanced/Online Price: $16 adult; $12 senior/staff/military; $8 students/child
At the Door Price: $2 added to all ticket prices

The Clockmaker’s Daughter 
by Michael Webborn & Daniel Finn  
Directed by Andrea Robertson

CPA: June 20, 21, 27, 28 @7:00pm & June 22, 29 @ 2:00pm

Distraught after the untimely death of his daughter, Abraham Reed sets about capturing her image in clockwork; building a young girl so unquestionably real that even he is unable to fathom her making. On winding her, Abraham realizes he has created something somewhat more than a machine. A beautiful story of love, loss, and hope woven with captivating music.

Advanced/Online Price: $20 adult; $16 senior/staff/military; $10 students/child

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