Sunday, August 25, 2024

A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM - Queen Creek Performing Arts Center - February 13-15, 2025

Evening Performances at 7 PM • Saturday Matinee at 2 PM

Pricing: Adults $17.50, Children/Seniors $15.50

On Midsummer’s Night, the real and fairy worlds collide. Four young lovers, faced with the prospect of unhappy marriage or worse, flee the court of Athens and stumble into an enchanted forest. Nearby, a group of amateur actors rehearse a play to celebrate an upcoming royal wedding. As these mere mortals cross paths with a warring fairy King and Queen, chaos reigns in the natural world. The lines between reality and illusion start to blur and no-one but mischievous Puck knows what is true and what is magic. Let Shakespeare’s captivating comedy transport you from deepest midwinter to the most magical of midsummer nights.

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