Monday, January 22, 2024

Audition submissions for WHEN BULLFROGS SING OPERA due by February 5

“When Bullfrogs Sing Opera” by Carl L. Williams
Winner of the 2001 McLaren Memorial Comedy Playwriting Competition.

This is a delightful comedy production with seven non-paid acting roles in the Fellowship Hall of a church with an amazing stage.

Rehearsals will take place at 5:30pm on Sundays, Tuesdays & Thursdays beginning: Thursday Feb 15, 2024.

Performance Dates are Monday April 8 & Tuesday April 9.

A wonderful comedy featuring a social-climbing sister who tries to keep her visiting country sister from embarrassing her among her new society friends. Meet Millicent and Coreen – two girls who grew up in Bullfrog Waller. Millicent is now a big-city snob. Her sister, Coreen, on the other hand, chose to stay in the country…until now! How can Millicent keep her embarrassing past a secret when Coreen, as country as cornbread and grits, shows up spouting her backwoods sentiments to everyone at Millicent's party? Frantic, Millicent decides to pass Coreen off as an actor, who never breaks character during her latest role in a play. But why would Coreen leave Bullfrog Waller after all these years? Deceit and conceit reveal not just secrets, but what matters most in life. Audiences enjoy the comedy and can’t help but catch Coreen’s positive outlook on life.

Character Breakdown
COREEN: 40’s, very country, filled with plain-spoken humor and heart.

MILLICENT WESTLAKE: 40’s, Coreen’s sister, sophisticated, big-city highbrow who has put her humble beginnings behind her.

BRIAN WESTLAKE: 40’s, Millicent’s husband, factory owner, down-to-earth regular sort of guy

PATRICK WESTLAKE: 19, Brian & Millicent’s son, college student, bookish, convinced of his superior intellect.

FRANCES KUPPERMAN: 40’s-50’s, high-society woman, very proper and vain.

ANDREW KUPPERMAN: 40’-50’s, Frances’ husband, banker, wealthy but with a small-town background, another down-to-earth regular sort of guy

STEPHANIE KUPPERMAN: 19, attractive college student, filled with self-assurance.

Directed by: Ron Scott

What To Prepare - Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script.

Audition Location - Apache Wells Community Church
2115 N Gayridge Road
Mesa, AZ 8521
(Corner of N 56th St and N Gayridge Rd. Parking and main door are in the back.)

Auditions by Appointment

Submission DEADLINE: Tuesday February 5 at 10:00PM

Email headshots and resumes to
o In the subject line enter the name BULLFROGS.
o Include your contact phone number.
o Include the role(s) you are submitting for.

We will contact you to schedule your audition.

Callback Dates and Times:

For questions regarding the audition, please text to 608-322-6690.

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