Saturday, January 1, 2022

Cast Announced for TUCK EVERLASTING at Actor's Youth Theatre

Tuck Everlasting is based on the novel of the same name by Natalie Babbitt. It tells the story of a family who drink water from a magical spring and become immortal. When they encounter a young girl who lives in their rural New England town, she becomes friends with one of the sons, who soon offers her the secret to everlasting life. She then has to decide if she wants to join her new friends in immortality, or if she will live out her normal life.

Horse Cast:

Winnie: Katie Mullen
Jesse: Landon Kalin
Mae: Noelle Parent
Angus: Liam Delgado
Miles: Bennett Smith
Constable Joe: Zoe Bauerle
Betsy Foster: Samantha Crandall
Man in Yellow suit: Alex Hinkle
Nana: Katie Wright
Hugo: Austin Watts

Hope Kalin, Saniya Sapakie, Tiana Barnum, Campbell Carr, Katie Palmer, Emily Freedman, Tayler Slone, Maddie Sue Miller, Charlie Hall, DJ Coon, Jake Ashton, Tristan Foushee, Ryan Lucas, Katrina Palmer, Autumn Gale, Abbi Spector, Colin Quintana

Jan 27th at 7:00
Jan 29th at 2:00
Feb 4th at 7:00
Feb 5th at 7:00
Feb 10th at 7:00
Feb 12th at 2:00

Cat Cast:

Winnie: Maddie Sue Miller
Jesse: Charlie Hall
Mae: DJ Coon
Angus: Jake Ashton 
Miles: Tristan Foushee
Constable Joe: Ryan Lucas
Betsy Foster: Katrina Palmer
Man in Yellow suit: Autumn Gale
Nana: Abbi Spector
Hugo: Colin Quintana

Hope Kalin, Saniya Sapakie, Tiana Barnum, Campbell Carr, Katie Palmer, Emily Freedman, Tayler Slone, Katie Mullen, Landon Kalin, Noelle Parent, Liam Delgado, Bennett Smith, Zoe Bauerle, Samantha Crandall, Alex Hinkle, Katie Wright, Austin Watts 

Jan 28th at 7:00
Jan 29th at 7:00
Feb 3rd at 7:00
Feb 5th at 2:00
Feb 11th at 7:00
Feb 12th at 7:00 

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