Saturday, January 22, 2022

Cast announced for SINGIN' IN THE RAIN at The Phoenix Theatre Company



Defy the doldrums in this spectacular romantic comedy guaranteed to put a smile on your face! Our cast is making a splash in our Mainstage Theatre February 2 to April 3! πŸŒˆ


Ryan Ardelt's black and white headshot

Ryan Ardelt as Ensemble and Don Lockwood Understudy

Matravius Avent's black and white headshot

Matravius Avent* as Ensemble

Kade Bailey's black and white headshot

Kade Bailey as Ensemble

Sally Jo Bannow's black and white headshot

Sally Jo Bannow* as Dora Bailey/Mrs. Dinsmore et al.

Shani Barrett's black and white headshot

Shani Barrett as Zelda Zanders et al.

Geoff Belliston's black and white headshot

Geoff Belliston as Roscoe Dexter

Elyssa Blonder's black and white headshot

Elyssa Blonder* as Kathy Selden

Dallyn Brunck's black and white headshot

Dallyn Brunck as Ensemble

Tarnim Bybee's black and white headshot

Tarnim Bybee as Ensemble

Abbi Cavanaugh's black and white headshot

Abbi Cavanaugh* as Ensemble, Dance Captain, and Kathy Selden Understudy

Hahnna Christianson's black and white headshot

Hahnna Christianson as Ensemble

Stephanie Funk's black and white headshot

Stephanie Funk as Ensemble

Katie Jurich's black and white headshot

Katie Jurich as Ensemble

Derek Luscutoff's black and white headshot

Derek Luscutoff as Ensemble and Cosmo Brown Understudy

Aidan Lutton's black and white headshot

Aidan Lutton as Ensemble

Ben Massouras' black and white headshot

Ben Massouras as Ensemble

Emily Mohney's black and white headshot

Emily Mohney* as Lina Lamont

Blake Patrick Spellacy's black and white headshot

Blake Patrick Spellacy* as Cosmo Brown

Michael Starr's black and white headshot

Michael Starr* as Don Lockwood

Elizabeth Stolper Falk's black and white headshot

Elizabeth Stolper Falk as Ensemble

Sarah Wiechman's black and white headshot

Sarah Wiechman as Ensemble

Michael Starr's black and white headshot

D. Scott Withers* as R.F Simpson

Ellie Barrett's black and white headshot

Ellie Barrett as Ensemble Swing

Wesley Bradstreet's black and white headshot

Wesley Bradstreet as Ensemble Swing

Jacqueline Breker's black and white headshot

Jacqueline Breker as Ensemble Swing

Kat Wolff's black and white headshot

Kat Wolff as Lina Lamont Understudy and Dora/Dinsmore Understudy

Riley Clark's black and white headshot

Riley Clark as Ensemble Swing

Mike Lawler's black and white headshot

Mike Lawler* as R.F Simpson Understudy, Roscoe Dexter Understudy, and Diction Coach Understudy

Courtesy of Actors’ Equity Association, the union of professional actors & stage managers in the US

CLICK HERE for more information, and to purchase tickets


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