Friday, January 21, 2022

Auditions for RIPCORD at Fountain Hills Theater announced for January 29 & 30

Fountain Hills Theater announces the auditions for Ripcord.

Saturday, Jan 29 @ 10:00am and Sunday, Jan. 30 @ 6pm

Callbacks (If required) Monday, Jan. 31 @ 7:00pm.

Audition sign up 480-837-9661 X 3

A sunny room on an upper floor is prime real estate in the Bristol Place Senior Living Facility, so when the cantankerous Abby is forced to share her quarters with new-arrival Marilyn, she has no choice but to get rid of the infuriatingly chipper woman by any means necessary. A seemingly harmless bet between the old women quickly escalates into a dangerous game of one-upmanship that reveals not just the tenacity of these worthy opponents, but also deeper truths that each would rather remain hidden.
Ripcord is directed by Wanda McHatton.  
Ripcord will play March 18 – April 3, 2022.  (Possible extension to April 10.)

Auditions will be held Saturday, Jan. 29 @ 10:00am and Sunday, Jan. 30 @ 6:00pm.  Sign up at Callbacks (if required) Monday, Jan. 31 @ 7:00pm. Auditioners are asked to provide a 1-2-minute comic monologue and be prepared to read cold from the script.  Please note that the script contains adult material.    Early video auditions - which must be submitted prior to Jan. 29 – may be submitted and can substitute for appearing at the Saturday or Sunday auditions.  However, if chosen from a video audition, candidates will be required to appear in person at the callbacks.  Video auditions should be sent to FHT prefers and encourages auditioners to be vaccinated. 

Casting for:  

Characters ages are not set in stone. Actors should consider roles if they feel they can represent the age ranges listed.  All roles are open to all ethnicities. Please note:  The roles of Abby and Marilyn have been cast.
Benjamin/Lewis/Clown: Male, 30-49
Benjamin: The estranged son of Abby; reclusive and shy; rough around the edges; a former addict who has relapsed many times; he is trying to make a better life and comes to make amends with his mother. 
Lewis: Marilyn's son, who is also a skydiving instructor; knowledgeable and lively. Clown: An actor in a haunted house who plays an evil clown that tries to steal and eat a baby.

Scotty: Male, 20-39
Scotty is a bright, dedicated, and committed resident aide at Bristol Place Senior Living; an aspiring actor; he is trying to do his job to the best of his ability and make Marilyn and Abby, but he will not shy away from putting his foot down with Marilyn when needed.

Colleen/Woman in White: Female, 30-49
Colleen: The bright, sunny, lighthearted, perky, quirky, and caring daughter of Marilyn and wife of Derek; high-energy like her mother, but with more fierceness; will go to extreme lengths to help her mother win the room and to gain a friend. 
Woman in White: An actress in a haunted house who is trying to save her baby from the Clown.

Derek/Zombie Butler/Masked Man: Male, 30-49
Derek: Colleen's other half, literally and figuratively; more realistic and reserved than his wife; always cautious and worried. 
Zombie Butler: An actor who is leading the haunted house tour. 
Also plays Masked Man.

Ripcord is presented through Special Arrangement with Dramatists Play Service.

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