Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Seth Rudetsky's Master Class - a few more spaces have opened up

A few additional spaces have opened up for Seth Rudestsky's Master Class in Scottsdale on October 25th.

The Master Class runs from 12:30 to 3:00pm on Sunday, October 25th

Seth Rudetsky is bringing his popular Master Classes to Scottsdale. Direct coaching slots are limited to 12 people. The class may also be audited.

In this class he will address:
•Getting the right cut of the song you’re auditioning with…stop singing the wrong 16 bars!

•Stop hating the song you’re auditioning with. So many people have a signature song that they no longer enjoy singing. I help people learn to love their song.

He also answers the following questions:

•How do I end this song? What do I think about when I’m singing?
•Where the h*ll do I look when I audition?
•What should I do with my body/hands?
•Can I sing this particular song at an audition for (fill in the blank)?

Every person signed up for the direct coaching slots gets individual attention!!!!

Come learn to love auditioning!!!!

CLICK HERE to register

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