Saturday, May 25, 2024

Review Highlights: NEWSIES - Hale Centre Theatre

Truman Regard-Whipple and Reece Harris
Photo by Nick Woodward-Shaw

highlights from local critics reviews - (click link at bottom of each review to read complete review)

Click here for more information on this production that runs through June 29

"With a never-ending stream of musical stage adaptations of hit films, it's a bit of a shock that the 1992 Disney film Newsies, which was a huge flop at movie theatres, not only went on to be a crowd-pleasing, Tony-winning show, but also one that continues to receive numerous productions across the country. Hale Centre Theatre presented the show in 2019 and has brought it back again in a production that features fantastic leads and a rousing ensemble, including a few members who played the same parts in the previous production. Newsies is full of showstopping dance numbers, toe-tapping tunes, memorable characters, and a whole lot of joy, so it's easy to see why Hale has brought the musical back so soon....Reece Harris leads the cast as Jack Kelly, delivering a performance filled with street smarts, charm and strength.... Brie Wadsworth-Gates shines as Katherine Plumber, a tenacious reporter seeking to make a name for herself. Her spunky and intelligent performance creates a believable and dynamic connection between Katherine and Harris' Jack,... both have wonderful chemistry and create believable characters you root to see succeed."  Gil Benbrook, (click here to read the complete review)

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