Saturday, May 25, 2024

Arizona Theatre Matters Unveils Ambitious 5-Year Strategic Plan, Setting Sights on Global Leadership in Inclusive Theater

ATM Sign Language Team in Rehearsal, 3/24.
Photo by Ololade Adekanmi

Arizona Theatre Matters (ATM), a pioneering force in radically inclusive theater, today announced the launch of its comprehensive 5-year strategic plan. This ambitious roadmap outlines ATM's vision to become a global leader in the field, fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion through innovative stage-to-film productions, accessible programming, and international collaborations.

"We are thrilled to share our strategic plan with the world," said Jeanmarie Simpson, Founding Artistic Director of ATM. "This plan represents a bold vision for the future of ATM, and we are confident that it will guide us towards achieving our ambitious goals of expanding our reach, amplifying diverse voices, and making a lasting impact on the global theater landscape."

The strategic plan outlines five key priorities for ATM over the next five years:
  1. Artistic Leadership: Produce groundbreaking, diverse works that challenge conventions and inspire social change.
  2. Global Audience Development: Expand digital reach, diversify audiences, and foster engagement through innovative online platforms and culturally sensitive outreach strategies.
  3. International Partnerships and Collaborations: Establish strategic partnerships with theaters worldwide to facilitate cultural exchange and co-create inclusive productions.
  4. Advocacy and Thought Leadership: Conduct research, organize conferences, and engage in policy advocacy to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the arts.
  5. Financial Sustainability: Secure diverse funding sources and explore innovative revenue streams to support ATM's mission of providing free, accessible theater content.
The strategic plan includes detailed action plans, timelines, and key performance indicators to ensure that ATM stays on track and achieves its goals. It also highlights the organization's commitment to ongoing evaluation and adaptive management to ensure the plan remains relevant and responsive to the changing needs of the theater industry.

"This is a pivotal moment for Arizona Theatre Matters," said John McCann, Music Supervisor and Vice-President of ATM's Board of Directors. "This strategic plan represents a collective commitment to our mission of radical inclusivity and our vision of a more equitable and diverse theater landscape. We invite our community to join us on this exciting journey as we strive to make a difference through the power of theater."

About Arizona Theatre Matters:

Arizona Theatre Matters (ATM) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to producing exceptional, universally accessible theater that reflects the diversity of human experiences. Through innovative stage-to-film productions, accessible programming, and educational initiatives, ATM empowers artists, engages audiences, and fosters a more inclusive and equitable society.

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