Monday, May 27, 2024

Review Highlights: MACK AND MABEL - Fountain Hills Theater

Rob Stuart and Rochelle Barton
Photo by Patty Torrilhon

highlights from local critics reviews - (click link at bottom of each review to read complete review)

Click here for more information on this production that runs through June 2

"Focusing on interesting historical characters and featuring a gorgeous score, the musical Mack and Mabel is a humorous and heartfelt homage to the golden age of silent film. Fountain Hills Theater is presenting a fairly solid production of this rarely produced show that captures the magic and tragedy of early Hollywood... While (Jerry) while Herman's score is fantastic and the book weaves a poignant story of love, ambition, and the fleeting nature of fame, the characters aren't entirely likable and the book never truly shows why Mabel is drawn to Mack or why he constantly pushes her away...Fortunately, Herman's score is a joy, with many superb songs, and it's great to see Fountain Hills presenting this rarely produced show and to hear those lovely songs ...Mack and Mabel honors the legacy of early Hollywood while telling a poignant story of love, ambition, and the price of fame. It's just a shame, with that wonderful score, that it's not a better musical than it could have been."   - Gil Benbrook, (click here to read the complete review)

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