Friday, June 22, 2018

audition notice - BOEING, BOEING - Scottsdale Desert Stages Theatre - July 15

Directed by Rick Davis

This 1960’s French farce adapted for the English-speaking stage features selfstyled Parisian lothario Bernard, who has Italian, German, and American fiancées, each a beautiful airline hostess with frequent “layovers.” He keeps “one up, one down, and one pending” until unexpected schedule changes bring all three to Paris, and Bernard’s apartment, at the same time.

Sunday July 15th at 7:00pm, sign in begins at 6pm

Tuesday July 17th at 7:00pm

Show Performance schedule:
August 24th-October 7th, 2018
Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30pm
Sundays at 2:00pm

Cold reads from the script. Please be familiar with the show.
Bring headshot and resume.

CLICK HERE to Register Online!

All roles open:
Bernard: M 20's-40's, playboy type
Robert: M 20's to late 40's, Bernard's nervous, slightly goofy friend
Berthe: F 40's +, Bernard's french maid (French accent required)
Gloria: F 20's-30's Bernard's sophisticated American stewardess
Gabriella: F 20's-30's, Bernard's passionate Italian stewardess
Gretchen: F 20's-30's, Bernard's fiery German stewardess

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