Sunday, June 2, 2024

Review Highlights: TRUE WEST - Arizona Theatre Company

Zack Fine and Rhett Guter
Photo by Tim Fuller

highlights from local critics reviews - (click link at bottom of each review to read complete review)

Click here for more information on this production that runs through June 9

"Sam Shepard's True West is a riveting black comedy that explores the themes of sibling rivalry, brotherhood, jealousy, and how the line between order and chaos can sometimes be very thin. With only a few small shortcomings, Arizona Theatre Company's production of this American classic brings these themes to life with intensity due to an excellent cast who create authentic portrayals, crisp direction, and superb creative elements....Director Jenn Thompson has a keen understanding of the play and the characters and she brings a clear vision to the production, with one caveat. Her pacing is taut, which keeps the audience engaged from the beginning, and she elicits powerful performances from the cast, including Rhett Guter as Austin and Zack Fine as Lee. However, Thompson adds a coda to the end of the play that is both interesting and intriguing but may cause some confusion from people who don't know the play and concern from those who do." - Gil Benbrook, (click here to read the complete review)

"“True West” is a gritty and murky play that looks at the shaky relationship between two very different brothers but reveals that even diverse people can search for similar things including stability and acceptance. A fine Arizona Theatre Company (ATC) production introduces two superb actors as the pivotal siblings.  Couple these rich performances with Jenn Thompson’s sharp staging and a superlative production is the result.  Be warned, though, that this two-hour piece is a real downer."  -Chris Curcio, Curtain Up Phoenix (click here to read the complete review) 

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