Saturday, June 1, 2024

“All Queer Shakespeare” launches as world’s first all LGBTQIA+ all Queer Shakespeare, theater company; with local and national talent at the helm!

We are delighted to announce the launch of “All Queer Shakespeare.” This is our inaugural season and we are delighted to share it with you. All Queer Shakespeares mission is to provide an inclusive, diverse, LGBTQIA+ space for theatrical works. All Queer Shakespeare casts beyond the binary, centering queer stories on stage, behind the scenes, and in our leadership This year we will bring you a debut gala in Fall 2024 and two classical works in our 2024-2025 season. What does the “all” stand for? A promise to always have inclusive shows, casting, and values. 

If you’d like to learn more about All Queer Shakespeare or make a donation to support our mission. Please visit our website. Follow, like, and tag us on social media

All the world’s a stage, so thank you for visiting ours

All Queer Shakespeare’s Mission is telling traditional stories in a non-traditional way. Recognizing the foundational elements of Shakespeare’s work, which explores gender, class, and sexuality. All Queer Shakespeare aims to appreciate the traditional origins of Shakespeare while providing opportunities for marginalized groups who have traditionally been passed over the limelight of center stage due to skin color, religion, race, sexuality, gender, and more.

At the forefront of what we do, All Queer Shakespeare's focus will be on illuminating Queer Stories, and creating safe spaces, “To Be”

THE CORE COMPANY: *In alphabetical order

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