Wednesday, January 15, 2025

BABALON - Ronin Theatre Company and Space 55 - January 30-February 16, 2025

Space55 & Ronin Theatre’s New Season Blasts Off With A Play About Rockets, Sex Magick, & L. Ron Hubbard

Space55 has been putting on rarely seen and world premiere plays for 18 seasons in downtown Phoenix. From showcasing the work of local playwrights to putting on avant-garde classics like Alfred Jarry’s Ubu Roi, Space55 is dedicated to spotlighting underground art that’s adventurous and uncompromising. 

Ronin Theatre Collaborative focuses on storytelling and adding a unique voice to the valley through rarely done or premiere plays. Space55 and Ronin Theatre are opening their latest seasons with a co-production, bringing a North American premiere from a celebrated UK playwright to downtown Phoenix:: Babalon by Paul A. Green.

In the 1940’s, Jack Parsons worked in his lab by day to build rockets; by night, the young scientist would host occult parties in his Pasadena home. Both a pioneering rocket scientist and disciple of Aleister Crowley, Parsons attracted strange souls to him like moths to a flame. People like the mysterious artist Marjorie Cameron and the notorious L. Ron Hubbard. Together these three would work mystic rituals in the desert to invoke the goddess Babalon and usher in a new era. They would make history together… and tragedy

Based on an incredible true story, Paul A. Green’s Babalon follows Parsons, Hubbard, Cameron, and Crowley as they commune and scheme and conjure their futures into being. A U.S. premiere, Space55 and Ronin Theatre Company are proud to bring this poetic, haunting work of speculative theatre to life.
Directed by BJ Garrett, Babalon features performances by Angel Lopez, Clara Bentz, Matt Clarke, Cody Goulder, Melody Knudson, Maddie Miller, and Ken Bailes. 

Babalon will be performed at two venues: The Irish Cultural Center (Jan. 30-Feb. 2) and Stage Left Productions (Feb. 7-16).

Friday performances at 7:30pm; Saturdays at 2pm & 7:30pm, Sunday performances at 2pm. Thursday show at ICC is at 7:30pm. The closing day performance on Feb. 16 will be at 5pm. 

Tickets can be purchased online via the following links:

About the playwright:
Paul A. Green grew up in London and studied at Oxford and the University of British Columbia. Several of his works for the stage have been collected in Babalon and Other Plays (Scarlet Imprint). In addition to writing several novels (including The Qlipoth and Beneath the Pleasure Zones) and poetry (collected in 2012’s The Gestaltbunker), he has made radio documentaries on aspects of the occult and paranormal featuring Colin Wilson, Francis X. King, and Iain Sinclair, among others; while the plays have been broadcast on BBC Radio 3, CBC Canada, RTE Ireland and Resonance FM and have been staged by Travesty Theatre and New Theatre Works. He has performed or presented at many venues, most recently at the Final Academy, Magickal Arte Bristol, the Moot with No Name, the Electric Palace Hastings and St Augustine’s Tower in Hackney. He has especially enjoyed collaborations whether with musicians like the late Vincent Crane or with the artist Jeremy Welsh, creating video poems like The Slow Learning and Radial City. He now lives in Hastings.

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