Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Review Highlights: THE LAST ROMANCE - Don Bluth Front Row Theatre

Lee Riggs, Walt Pedano, and Polly Chapman
Photo by Stephanie Cartwright

highlights from local critics reviews - (click link at bottom of each review to read complete review)

Click here for more information on this production that runs through June 21

"Joe DiPietro's The Last Romance is a bittersweet yet heartwarming play that touches upon love, loss, friendship, and the unexpected second chance of romance for its characters, who are all in their twilight years. With a stellar cast and excellent direction, Don Bluth Front Row Theatre's production of this touching and poignant play that conveys the enduring message that it's never too late to find love and happiness is is one of the best productions I've seen them present....Cheryl Schaar's direction is flawless. She ensures all four cast members create nuanced, realistic and natural portrayals. The small size of the Don Bluth theater works perfectly for this play to provide an intimacy and immediate connection between the audience and the characters....With a cast who bring genuine emotions and depth to their performances, insightful direction that highlights the emotional nuance and charm of the story, and bright creative elements, The Last Romance at Don Bluth Front Row Theatre is a beautiful, humorous and moving production." - Gil Benbrook, TalkinBroadway.com (click here to read the complete review)

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