Sunday, June 9, 2024

CLAUS AND EFFECT - Order Chaos Theater Company - December 12-22, 2024

by Jean-Paul Clemente

Claus and Effect  Mrs. Claus finds herself disillusioned and "over it" with the holiday season. With the assistance of the mischievous trio Prancer, Dancer, and Vixen, who are not reindeers but rather mischievous elves, they concoct a plan to reignite Mrs. Claus's holiday spirit. Drawing inspiration from classic tales like "A Christmas Carol," "It's a Wonderful Life," and "A Christmas Story," they embark on a whimsical journey filled with ghosts, memories, songs, and stories. Through their imaginative efforts, they aim to restore the joy and magic of the season to Mrs. Claus's heart. Written and Directed by Jean-Paoul Clemente

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