Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Auditions for DROP DEAD at Paradise Valley Community College announced for August 26 & 27

Paradise Valley Community College
Director: Andrea Robertson

Auditions for Drop Dead
August 26, 2024; 4:00pm-6:00pm and
August 27, 2024 4:00pm-6:00pm

Callbacks: September 3, 4:00pm–7:00pm

Where: Studio Theater Building M-East
18401 North 32nd Street,
Phoenix, AZ 85032

Casting Protocol: CLICK HERE to sign up for a 15 minute audition time slot Headshot and Resume: Preferred but not required

Prepare: Auditions will be cold readings from the script. Try to arrive prior to your audition slot to be as-signed the material and have time to go over it

Rehearsals Begin: September 4th– rehearsals Monday-Thursday 4:00-6:30pm & some Fridays

Performance Times: October 18, 19, 25, 26 @ 7pm & 20 & 27 @ 2pm & the 25th @ 10am

Play Synopsis: A non-stop physical comedy that turns the world of theater on its head! A cast of has-been actors plan to revive their careers in “Drop Dead!,” a potboiler murder mystery directed by “Wonder Child of the Broadway Stage” Victor Le Pewe. At the dress rehearsal the set falls apart around them, props break, and the producer and an actor are murdered. But the show must go on! And so it does, but at the opening night performance, the murders continue and the play goes incredibly wrong. The remaining thespians must save the show and their careers, solve the mystery, and somehow survive until the curtain calls

AVAILABLE ROLES PVCC Theatre’s casting is open to include every race, culture, age, gender, sexual orientation and physicali-ty. All roles are open to all, unless a specific character requirement is called for.

VICTOR LE PEWE - the psychotic male director of the play who wants nothing more than to prove he’s still the Wonder Child of the Broadway Stage by making this production amazing. 

P.G. BANKS – a lecherous cigar-chomping, old-school man. The producer of the show. 

PHILLIP - the stage manager, set designer, TD, prop designer, lighting designer… basically everything technical, Philip takes care of. He is in love with Victor and so works hard. 

ALABAMA MILLER - the alcoholic playwright who is extremely upset that their life’s work has been cut down and edited. When no one listens to their complaints they have to take matters into their own hands. 

MONA MONET – once a glamorous TV star, she still acts like a star and demands star treatment. 

BRENT REYNOLDS -the dashing leading man, arrogant, trained in the Method as well as Shakespeare. He is trying to work his way back as a professional actor. 

CHAZ LOONEY - the new actor who is playing a role older than he actually is and who can’t seem to memorize his lines, so uses crib sheets wherever he can. 

CANDY APPLES - the ex-stripper girlfriend of the producer, who wants to be an actor. 

CONSTANCE CRAWFORD - well beyond retirement age stage star who can’t hear anything and is usually in her own world. 

DICK SCORSESE – a last minute replacement actor who just wants to get through rehearsal.

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