Thursday, July 25, 2024

Arizona Theatre Matters Day Proclaimed by Glendale Mayor

The Mayor of Glendale, Arizona has officially proclaimed August 16, 2024, as Arizona Theatre Matters Day, recognizing the significant contributions of the organization to the cultural landscape of the city and state. The proclamation highlights Arizona Theatre Matters' (ATM) commitment to diversity, inclusion, and accessibility in the performing arts.

ATM's BIPOC, Deaf sign language team, a unique and groundbreaking ensemble, marked this historic occasion with a powerful performance of a scene from "When Churchyards Yawn" on their YouTube channel, The performance showcased the talent and artistry of the performers while highlighting the importance of representation and inclusion in the arts.

BIPOC, Deaf talent shines in ATM's 'When Churchyards Yawn' performance, celebrating Glendale's recognition of August 16 as Arizona Theatre Matters Day.
 photo by Ololade Adekanmi

"We are honored and humbled by the Mayor's proclamation," said Jeanmarie Simpson, Founding Artistic Director of Arizona Theatre Matters. "This recognition validates our mission to make universally accessible art. We believe that theatre should be accessible to everyone, and we are committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the performing arts."

About Arizona Theatre Matters

Arizona Theatre Matters (ATM) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2012. ATM is dedicated to fostering an inclusive and accessible theatre environment that reflects the rich diversity of humanity. Through mainstage productions, educational workshops, and community outreach programs, ATM empowers artists and audiences alike, providing a platform for underrepresented voices and stories.  

ATM's commitment to diversity, inclusion, and accessibility is evident in their casting choices, creative teams, and production practices. The company actively seeks out BIPOC artists, and those who are Blind, Deaf, mature and have disabilities, ensuring that their work represents the full spectrum of human experience. By incorporating sign language, audio description, and other accessibility measures into their productions, ATM strives to make their work welcoming for everyone.  

ATM's innovative and socially relevant productions have garnered recognition and support from prestigious organizations, including multi-year funding from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Arizona Commission on the Arts, and the Living History Foundation. This support affirms ATM's commitment to artistic excellence and its significant impact on Arizona's cultural landscape.

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