Monday, April 5, 2021

MANY MAIDS MADE ME MURDER - Starlight Community Theater - April 9-10, 2021


A Youth Production (ages 8-14) 

The butler did it. Maids know this to be true, and years ago, they banded together into the Sacred Order of Maids to dispense "Maid justice" against butlers gone rogue. Now they gather once more —this time via video—to right the wrongs, but with the sudden passing of their entire leadership, did the butlers do it again, or are they in need of their own deep cleaning from within? Hilarity and lots of wacky wordplay ensue in this murder-mystery written for virtual performance.

Directed by Dan Ashlock, this show will be entirely online from start to finish, and will be shown via livestream on April 9th and 10th. Tickets cost $10 per individual or $25 for a group of three or more.

Grand High Mistress Maid - Macey Doyle
Exalted Mistress Maid - Phoebe Cain
Keeper of the Supply Cupboard - Sariah Riddle
Gadfly Brooks/Grand Supreme Footsie - Elliot Noah Thompson
Farmington Wigglesworth - Eli Franklin
Young Butler/Footsie the Least - Luke Chester
Stacey Bailey - Kate Kirsch
Stacey Bailey’s Maid - Morgan Ward-Page
Most Honored Footsie/Maid 6 - Brylynn Hughes
Lesser Footsie - Jeremiah Riddle
Maid 1 - KayLee Stevenson
Maid 2 - Valenka Villalobos
Maid 3 - Ellee Sears
Maid 4/Footsie - Ivanka Villalobos
Maid 5/Footsie - Sophia Sosa
Littlest Maid/Footsie - Rebekah Riddle

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