Sunday, September 1, 2024

TOMAS AND THE LIBRARY LADY - Grand Canyon University - October 18-27, 2024

"In a world where curiosity knows no bounds, one boy embarks on a journey of self-discovery. Tomás, a migrant farm worker's son, finds solace in the pages of books amidst the vast fields of the Midwest. Yearning for knowledge beyond his grandfather's tales, he stumbles upon a beacon of warmth and wisdom: the Library Lady. Through her guidance, Tomás unveils the transformative power of learning, igniting a passion that shapes his destiny. Join Tomás on an enchanting adventure filled with heartwarming moments and cultural richness. Experience the timeless tale of understanding, patience, and perseverance in 'Tomás and the Library Lady'—where every page holds a key to a brighter tomorrow."

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