Thursday, March 10, 2022

Talking to Devon Goffman, who plays Tommy De Vito in the national tour of JERSEY BOYS, which comes to Broadway at the Orpheum Theatre on March 17

Devon Goffman, Eric Chambliss, Jon Hacker and Matt Faucher
Photo by Joan Marcus

by Gil Benbrook

Jersey Boys, the smash hit Tony Winning musical biography of the Four Seasons, features over a dozen hit tunes made famous by the group and their lead singer Frankie Valli, including "Rag Doll," "Sherry," "Big Girls Don't Cry," "Walk Like a Man" and "Can't Take My Eyes Off You." But the heart of the show is the rags to riches story of the men in the group, which is filled with a lot of bumps and setbacks along the way.

The National Tour of this four time Tony Winning show comes to the Orpheum Theatre next week and Devon Goffman plays the role of Tommy DeVito took a break between stops on the tour to answer some questions about the show and his role.

Devon, you've appeared in productions in regional theatre and national tours, and also previously appeared in the tour and Las Vegas casts of Jersey Boys. How did your past experience prepare you for appearing in a huge hit like Jersey Boys?

Devon Goffman: "I grew up on music- and especially on this era of music. My parents were HUGE fans of The Four Seasons, Elvis, Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, The Temptations, Ray Charles, The Beach Boys, Everly brothers, The Supremes, etc. So I had a fisher price record player with all of this amazing music playing on it as a toddler. Learned to sing harmony by the time I was 3 or 4 years old.  Then I became a musician: playing instruments as well- piano, guitar, bass, etc, but always to accompany myself/or my family/friends, and to sing together. "

Were you familiar with the music of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons before your first audition and before you appeared in the previous productions of the show? Or did you have to take a crash course to learn more about the group before you auditioned for the show?

"I knew the music before I saw the original Broadway production. I was a bit of a music fanatic - especially of the 50’s/60’s. My first BIG theatre gig out of college was the national tour of the Buddy Holly musical.

It was the first time I took my acting and comedy training; and combined it with playing/singing music live.  It was really cool to do a show which utilized that side of my skill set. Playing and singing the music of the era I loved … and acting , storytelling, and making people laugh and smile.  Seems like that is just who I’ve always been."

In the musical you play ‪Tommy DeVito. I know DeVito wasn't actively involved in the original Broadway production but, allegedly, when the creators spoke to him he told them what really happened behind the scenes which gave the show it's creative thrust in showing how the 4 band members all had slightly different views of the band's history. Did you ever get a chance to meet him before he passed away in 2020, or, if not, speak to someone who knows him? And if you did, how did that change your portrayal?

"I watched a lot of videos of Tommy. He was really special. I met his brother in Vegas when he came to see the show. It was really cool to chat with him, and ask him some questions about Tommy. A lot of people on the creative team got to know him. For instance - Danny Austin, Associate Choreographer and dance supervisor. Danny gave me a LOT of info about Tommy. He helped me grow into, and become the superstar I’m playing on stage every night. 

Des McAnuff (Director), Michael Bello (Associate Director), Sergio Trujillo (Choreographer), and 
Rick Elice (co book writer) all were full of brilliant insights over the years into Tommy. 

What a GIFT it has been to be able to work with so many people who CREATED this show on Broadway. 

Tommy was iconic. He had a charm that was just in his blood. And he was FUN! Everyone in the audience wants to hang with Tommy. 

Fun tidbit: My very first Tommy performance of my life was in Dallas in on June 19, 2012. I believe it was his 84th birthday."

Since this show features the signature music of the time period, how difficult was it to leave your musical theatre experience behind and project the doo woo, pop and R&B song styles of the Four Seasons’?

"I love singing musical theatre. Musical theatre was something I learned about in High School and beyond, but this music is how I was raised to sing. From the time I was a little kid pretending to be Elvis Presley, or Al Jardine & Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys… Harmonies, and step touches… snapping your fingers in the perfect rhythm.  Singing a capella with your buddies.  I was raised with this music in my soul. "

What is this experience like being back touring again after COVID shut everything down in 2020, and what did you use your down time doing?

"This pandemic was rough. Hard on everyone in the country. It was scary, and we all lost friends and family to Covid. Professional live theatre shut down completely for the first time history. 

I had to pivot. I became a Drama Director at a huge high school in Florida. I took all my mentorship energy, and love of theatre into the classroom. I directed the kids doing musicals in masks. Helped a lot of kids find love of this art form. 

This “come back” is AMAZING! It feels extra special to bring this electric show, and live theatre around the country. I am so grateful to have had this opportunity to be a part of bringing it back. People need to come out to see shows right now. It’s a huge lift and the shared experience between the Jersey Boys and a live audience right now is unmatched! "

Your wife Katie is also in the Jersey Boys touring cast. What has that experience been like being on the road together?

"We are so fortunate. We are together in the same show for the first time since we met 9 years ago. She helps me a ton. She’s a genius in life, and on stage. 

Having her support on this journey is truly awesome. This is a dream come true for both of us. Hopefully, we get many more opportunities to perform, and tour together. We really have a great group of actors that feels like family. 

Jersey Boys is a huge family, of people who have been in the show, support the show, and are in the show currently. "

Jersey Boys is one of the most upbeat, joyous musicals of the past twenty years that every time I've seen it has left the entire audience on a huge high.  What do you find about the character of DeVito, and the show, that brings you joy?

"Tommy. This guy has wonderful, joyous shoes to step into each night. He’s a scrappy guy. Shoots from the heart. I get to act with my guts all night long. 

He sings, plays, and leads, with his big old heart for 2 1/2 hours! I get to hang with the audience, and really try to give them 'my side of the story'! 

There is a strength in Tommy. He has vulnerable moments, charming secrets with the crowd, and he loves to get the people on board. I am kinda like that with a group of people, students, or a crowd. I love to get people fired up, excited, and ready to rock.  Me and Tommy both take a lot of pride in being a guy the people like. It’s very Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman. Another dream role for later in life. 

Something brings me a lot of JOY every night. I would say - Tommy’s passion."

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