Sunday, June 9, 2024

MISS MINNIE'S MELODRAMMODEON! - Fountain Hills Youth Theater - April 25–May 4, 2025

Book by Ross Collins

Fri. & Sat. at 7:00pm & Sun. at 2pm
Rated G
Two Acts – Approx. Run Time: 1.5 hrs.

A Youth Theater Original Play

This original play by Ross Collins finds Poor Miss Minnie forced to become the reluctant manager of her old father’s melodrama theater, “The Melodramodeon” since he has suddenly and mysteriously taken ill with a fever of the mind right before the grand melodrama competition! Throw in a devious and insincere leading man, a deceitful banker, a villainess with otherworldly powers of the mind, a whacky cast of misfits and ne’er do wells, and poor Minnie will have to face her biggest challenges ever!

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