Sunday, June 2, 2024

HOT AS HELL - Scottsdale Community Players - July 26-28, 2024

by Johnna Dias-Watson

A dark comedy about misfit Becky, whose best (and only) friend just happens to be a demon from a Ouija board. It’s the night of her first ever high school party and she can’t navigate the social jungle alone, so she breaks the golden rule and invites the spirit to attach itself to the planchette to join her.

Originally written at Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Hot As Hell had its premiere last year at Edinburgh Fringe Festival!

With a cast including Nora Palermo, Charlie Hall & Katie Stone, this is sure to be a fun evening!

Show runs just under an hour – Directed by Pete Bish

Friday, Saturday - 8PM
Sunday -2pm

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