Friday, August 2, 2024

Review Highlights: PUFFS - Starlight Community Theater

Kayla McCray, Gabe Escudero, Joey Whelan (foreground) and Cast
Photo by Quinlyn Ashlock

highlights from local critics reviews - (click link at bottom of each review to read complete review)

Click here for more information on this production that runs through August 11

"...Cox's script has many laugh out loud moments and some clever parodies of the characters and events in the Potter franchise. However, it's also overly long and you really need to be a Potter fan or have a good knowledge of the books or films to understand all of the in-jokes in the script. Starlight Community Theater's production features two casts, one of adults and one of teenage actors, who alternate performances. I attended a performance featuring the adult cast and the strength of their performances and the fun creative elements help to overcome some of the shortfalls in Cox's script....Under Ric Alpers' direction, the adult cast of Puffs all look like they are having a lot of fun with many bringing warmth, humor, and heart to their roles....Joey Whelan, Gabe Escudero, and Kayla McCray, who portray Wayne, Oliver, and Megan, respectively, shine in their roles, with good comic timing and a nice sense of emotional depth that fleshes out what could easily have been caricatures. J. Kevin Tallent provides an abundance of sarcasm, which he delivers with spot-on comic timing, as the narrator, and the rest of the cast do a pretty good job of capturing the essence of misfit heroes....both a heartwarming and hilarious tribute to the unsung heroes of the wizarding world and an overly long parody that occasionally falls short. Starlight can't be blamed for the shortcomings in the script so it's fortunate that most of the adult cast are up to the challenge of the swift-paced humor required of the parody. If you're a Harry Potter fan, you'll find many fun jokes and charming characters that mirror those in the books, but if you've never read any of the books or seen the films, you'll most likely be wondering why people around you are laughing."  - Gil Benbrook, (click here to read the complete review)

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